Installation guide
Here is a step-by-step guide to install MathLikeAnim-rs on your JavaScript project.
Step 1: Install the package
First, you'll need to run the following command to install the package:
npm i @mathlikeanim-rs/renderer
The above will install the Rust WASM core @mathlikeanim-rs/mathlikeanim-rs
and the renderer @mathlikeanim-rs/renderer
Step 2: Import the package
After installing the package, you can import the package in your JavaScript code:
import initWasm from '@mathlikeanim-rs/mathlikeanim-rs';
import { CanvasScene, SVGScene } from '@mathlikeanim-rs/renderer';
Step 3: Create a scene
Now you can create a scene with the renderer you want:
const scene = new CanvasScene(1920, 1080); // or SVGScene(1920, 1080)
document.body.appendChild(scene.canvas); // or scene.svg
Step 4: Initialize the WASM core
Finally, you can initialize the WASM core and start using the library:
initWasm().then((wasm) => {
That's it! You have successfully installed MathLikeAnim-rs on your JavaScript project. To use it, go to Get Started tutorial to learn how to create interactive mathematical animations for the web.
How to use it in Python?
Python support is available, but for older versions of the library. We are working on updating the Python package to the latest version of the project. If you still want to use the Python package, you can install it by running:
pip install mathlikeanim-rs # It's an old version of the project